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Your Jiu Jitsu Journey Begins Here: Embrace the grind, humble your ego, and believe in yourself! Check out our articles for all things Jiu Jitsu:

The 7 main Positions of jiu jitsu

Position before submission is a phrase you will hear a lot throughout your jiu jitsu journey. Understanding what position is which, actively while you are rolling is going to be fundamental for your development. When I first started bjj it was a nightmare for me trying to understand all the various positions. To make jiu jitsu easier for beginners and for myself, I broke down what I think are the 7 main positions you will be put in; and as you get better, you will put others in. I attach protocols to each position depending upon which position you find yourself in. That way there is a basic idea of what is needed to be done based on any position you might end up in.

Nutrition For Jiu Jitsu

If you are training more then 2 times a week then you might want to prioritize your nutrition to get the most out of your body during jiu jitsu training

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