Jiu Jitsu Diet: Fueling Your Body For Optimal Performance

Are you looking to take your Jiu Jitsu game to the next level? Proper nutrition is just as important as your training on the mats. So let’s talks nutrition and dive into everything I know about the Jiu Jitsu Diet and how it can benefit your performance on and off the mats.

What is the Jiu Jitsu Diet?

The term “Jiu Jitsu Diet” is just a made up term. a Jiu Jitsu diet is just a well-balanced, nutrient-dense eating plan designed to fuel your body for optimal performance during training and competition that’s it, it is nothing special. But by focusing on eating fresh, organic non processed foods you are going to provide your body with the right fuel for sustained energy and proper nutrition while practicing Bjj Grappling.

There are many different dietary approaches that can be effective for Jiu Jitsu athletes, including keto, fasting, and carnivore diets. While each approach has its benefits, and some have their negatives it’s important to find the right balance of macronutrients for your body and lifestyle. Everyone is different and there is no once size fits all method when it comes to nutrition.

The Gracie Diet

One popular dietary approach among Jiu Jitsu practitioners when it comes to the jiu jitsu diet is the Gracie Diet. Developed by the legendary Gracie family The Gracie Diet is based on food combining principles to improve digestion and overall health.

The Gracie Diet recommends eating fruits separately from other foods and avoiding mixing different types of proteins. For example, it suggests not eating steak and chicken in the same meal. The Gracie Diet also emphasizes eating smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day.

While the Gracie Diet may not be suitable for everyone, it’s worth considering as part of a well-rounded Jiu Jitsu Diet.

What to Eat Before Jiu Jitsu?

Personally I feel my best training fasted, so I don’t eat too often before class, but if I happen to eat it’s usually something like eggs or fruit. I tend to prioritize protein over carbs, and try not to take in more than 400 calories before I train.

With that said it is important to fuel up with the right foods before training.

It is generally recommended to eat a meal or snack that is rich in carbohydrates and provides some protein approximately 2-3 hours before training. This can help provide the body with the necessary energy and nutrients to sustain the physical demands of Bjj Grappling.

Here are some examples of pre-workout meals/snacks that are suitable for Jiu Jitsu Diet:

  • A slice of toast with light peanut butter and a banana
  • Greek yogurt with fruit and light granola
  • Scrambled eggs mixed with ground beef and fresh salsa

BJJ Pre-Workout Supplements

In addition to a balanced meal, some bjj athletes may benefit from supplements like creatine and protein shakes before training. I personally take 5 grams of creatine daily, and creatine has been shown to improve muscular endurance, strength, and recovery.

I know some people take fish oils, zinc, and vitamins. At the end of the day you have to find what works for you and your body. If you’re really looking for that extra boost you can alway have a clean energy drink, but I personally tend to stay away from them as they make my heart rate a little more random while training, and I need for my heart to not be beating out of my chest while I am trying to defend a strangle hold.

WATER is a supplement! Okay not really but, pre training session I believe it’s a corner stone of a jiu jitsu diet. Staying hydrated is crucial for jiu jitsu athletes, and Not drinking enough water before a jiu jitsu training session can have negative effects on an athlete’s performance and health. Dehydration can occur quickly during intense physical activity, especially in a sport like jiu jitsu where athletes can sweat profusely.

This can lead to decreased physical and cognitive performance, increased risk of injury, and negative health effects. It is crucial for athletes to stay hydrated by drinking enough water before, during, and after training sessions.

Post-Workout Nutrition

After a tough Jiu Jitsu session, keeping your jiu jitsu diet in mind is going to go a long way for your body needs. Your body needs nutrients to repair and rebuild muscle tissue. Prioritize good protein and carbohydrate intake within 30 minutes of finishing your workout.

jiu jitsu diet
Healthy food high in protein. Meat, fish, dairy products, nuts and beans

Good post-workout options include:

  • Grilled chicken with sweet potato and green beans
  • Salmon with quinoa and roasted vegetables
  • Smoothie with banana, protein powder, and spinach

It’s important to replenish your body with proper nutrition after training to prevent muscle breakdown and promote recovery.

Overall Performance

While the Jiu Jitsu Diet can certainly help improve performance on the mats, its benefits extend far beyond the dojo. Eating a well-balanced diet can improve overall health and well-being, reduce the risk of chronic disease, and increase longevity.

Studies have shown that diets rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can reduce inflammation, improve immune function, and increase energy levels. By fueling your body with the right foods, you’ll not only perform better in Jiu Jitsu but in all areas of life.

What is the best diet for Jiu Jitsu?

The Jiu Jitsu diet is one that consists of eating fresh, organic non-processed foods that will provide the body with the necessary nutrients for optimal performance.

Should I eat before Jiu Jitsu?

Depends, but the general answer is Yes, it is important to fuel your body with the right nutrients before a Jiu Jitsu session.

How much Creatine should i take in a day?

Consult your doctor, but the leading science states 2-5 grams per day.

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